I welcome commission requests! If you are interested in a commission piece created especially for you and wondering how this process works, here is a guide below that covers the basics of it, but of course, feel free to ask questions for more specifics.

 1. Determine if Custom Artwork is Right for You:

Having a customized piece of art made just for you is a unique and special experience. You become a collaborator in the creative process, where your ideas, tastes, and spatial considerations take precedence.

However, it's crucial to assess whether custom art aligns with your needs, as it may not be suitable for everyone.

 Custom art is for you if:

You desire a unique, personalized masterpiece that reflects your distinct preferences and personal narrative.

You value collaboration, are willing to provide feedback to the artist, and embrace trust in the artist's vision and their creative interpretations.

Custom art may not be the best fit if:

You are content with readily available art options or find yourself being rather particular about the results while struggling to effectively communicate those specifics before the commencement.

Convenience and certainty in the final product are higher priorities than a personalized, bespoke creation; ready-made alternatives might be a better match for you.

 2. Explore Your Vision and Share Your Needs:

If you feel that custom artwork is just right for you, let’s start gathering some information! We will discuss your requirements, covering various aspects like artwork size, colors, design, and any specific elements you’d like incorporated.

Peruse my portfolio and point out any specific pieces that resonate with you or are relevant to your commission. Share any other reference material – photos, color schemes, or specific details – that will help me understand and bring your vision to life.

 Provide measurements and photos of the space where you plan to hang your artwork, considering different lighting conditions and any weight limitations on the wall

3. Mutual Agreement:

We will discuss your budget, and which approach will best fit your budgetary parameters. 

Confirm the timeline for completion and delivery, ensuring it aligns with your expectations.

Discuss terms such as revisions if necessary, and outline everything in a commission agreement.

4. Secure the Commission:

Once we’re both satisfied with the terms, an initial deposit or full payment secures your spot on my creative schedule.

I will provide a commission agreement that will cover all the details, providing a solid foundation for our collaboration. Both parties will need to sign the agreement to commence the work.

5. Progress Updates:

Throughout the creative process, I’ll keep you in the loop with work-in-progress updates.

Your feedback is invaluable, ensuring the artwork evolves in harmony with your vision.

6. Final Approval:

Once the piece is complete, I’ll share the final version for your approval.

Your insights are crucial, and any adjustments will be addressed promptly.

7. Secure Delivery:

After your final approval and full payment, we’ll arrange a secure and preferred delivery method for your artwork.

8. Revel in Your Unique Artwork:

Congratulations! Receive your bespoke artwork, a one-of-a-kind creation tailored just for you.

Display it proudly, knowing it’s a piece born from collaboration and creativity.

I look forward to the possibility of working together to turn your artistic vision into a tangible masterpiece.

Production time is usually estimated around 3-4 weeks, for non-resin pieces and 6-7 weeks for resin pieces (to allow for necessary resin curing time). This timing is approximate and may be affected by current workload, resin curing times and material stock availability.


Ready to kickstart you exciting art commission journey?

To get started, please submit the Custom Artwork Inquiry Form and I will reply with further communication about specifics of the custom details and answer any questions you might have.

Custom Artwork Inquiry Form